When you consider how hard you have worked to earn your vacation, purchasing Travel Insurance is a small price to pay to protect its value and can pay more than for itself when it comes to salvaging a vacation where cancelled flights, missed cruise ships or other unexpected events occur. Travel insurance is essential for smart travellers who want the peace-of-mind knowing their financial investment is protected.

There are coverage and protection for many things that occur before and during your trip, including:

  • Cancel Before a Departure - or you need to cancel for any reason
  • Trip Delay - if you miss your air, tour or cruise departure-- or even a connecting flight
  • Trip Interruption - if you have to leave your vacation unexpectedly
  • Flight Cancellation - if the airline cancels your flight
  • Baggage Protection - for delayed, damaged or lost luggage
  • Emergency Medical - accidents or an unexpected illness

Our travel agents can explain the types of coverage and help you choose the insurance package that will compensate you if your vacation happens to be not quite a dream come true.

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Contact us and get your doubts cleared soon.


We have great pleasure to introduce ourselves as “Europe Travels?, having the desire to serve “World class Travel Experience? in the state of Qatar. Established in 2008, the company now specializes in providing travel arrangements for business and the leisure markets.